Complexity breeds potential issues and errors

Did you know that as our election systems became more computerized, they became extremely complex? .

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee formed a special Election Integrity Committee designed to offer ideas, suggestions and reports on election equipment and voting procedures and it will integrate its findings of best practices through the Election Integrity Department and communicating its findings on voting schemes, balloting systems, election equipment, and safeguards to elected officials, candidates, and voters;

Problem: Complicated systems need to function with best practices.

Bill 4260 Section 7-13-870 and 880 address this by ensuring all chains of custody for all components of the Electronic Voting System and election process are accounted for at all times up to and inclusive of the retention period.

Solution: Best practices for voter rolls and other issues need to be established.

Best practice of voter roll maintenance is addressed in bill 4261 with decentralization of the voter rolls and separation of inactive and active databases.

Bill 4260 establishes a pilot program for 2024 for at least 3 counties to cast votes on hand-marked paper ballots counted by hand, this will enable our state to establish best practices/lessons learned for this method post pilot program.