CVR Analysis- A summary of all the states and some alarming patterns

Last August SC Safe Elections filed a claim against 8 counties and the SC State Election commission (SEC) to gain access to Cast Vote Record (CVR) reports.  Our new machines were purchased so that there would be a “paper audit trail.”  The CVR is meant to do just that. It looks at the votes as they are being tabulated over time and thus it provides a pattern of data that enables analysts to confirm the vote tallies and look for any anomalies. 

Jeff O’Donnell along with other analysts has been working on analyzing these reports all across the country for over a year and he recently issued a report summarizing his results. His conclusions are alarming. See his executive summary here:

There appears to be an initial front-end load of the ballots where candidate percentages varied vastly from the subsequent lots.

The report’s conclusion states: “REVIEW AND CONCLUSIONS The Cast Vote Record produced by the various election systems’ software is a tool for auditing any election. It is the digital equivalent of a sequential list of an election’s ballots and their individual selections. Its purpose is to preserve each voting transaction so that the election outcome can be verified. Being in digital format offers the advantage of rapid computerized analysis. In a fair and legitimate election, the analysis of randomized mail-in voting transactions would follow proven and reliable mathematical patterns. In the 2020 General Election the patterns of voting transactions do not. Cast Vote Records from across the United States show mathematically impossible voting patterns, that shockingly demonstrate a predictive and intentionally manufactured similarity. Any fair-minded review of the election data can only leave one to conclude that the United States of America was the victim of a coordinated, multi-state, conspiracy to defraud the 2020 General Election.”

This is a must read and further underscores why our team is trying to gain access to this report in South Carolina via Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA). The excuses for why we can’t have access seem trivial compared to the value of enhancing transparency and trust in the election process. 

In short, humans don’t vote in those patterns. It violates the law of large numbers. These results are statistically impossible.

Our Governor and our Attorney General should do the right thing and give the people access to this very essential report.

Please help support us by giving to our givesendgo fund to help us fight this battle for our state.