Election Integrity-Move along?
SC General Election Day Nov 5th, 2024

This post was submitted by member Barbara Williams.

SC GOP: Nothing to see here.

Why am I still focused on events of the ‘voting’ conducted (perpetrated?) on or about 3 November 2020? Why do I refuse to give up the fight for election integrity and just move along to 2022?

It’s because I am fully convinced that We The People were played for fools at best, and at worst the victims of the crime of the century. We must find out exactly how it was done and take direct action to bring to justice those responsible. Failing that, we must get rid of the current methods of candidate ‘election’ and go primitive.

In November 2021, a year after the 2020 election, we had a school board ‘election’ here in Spartanburg County. Not only were voting machines used again, but the poll books appeared as electronic terminals. No more of those antiquated printed lists of registered voters, no sirree! Let’s speed things up and look up the names on the internet!

What? But haven’t we been told that there is no way the voting machines are connected to the internet?

What really happens at a polling place in SC.

On your phone, you can check for available internet connections wherever you are. Right? Most of the time in a school or a fire department polling place, the choices are innocuous. But those brand-new, oh so convenient little poll books are connected via hotspot to the net. Yes, they are. The way you can tell is that there is a network listed for SEC-SITES.

That network sets up a Local Area Network (LAN). Ostensibly the LAN is used only to transfer data, from voting machines set up at a precinct, to the router used to store that information. That would only hold true if everything were hard wired, with no wireless functionality.

If data is whizzing through the air, it can be intercepted by any 10 year old with a cell phone. Fact. All you’d have to do would be to access the SEC-SITES network. It can be done from the privacy of your car in the parking lot. Want to make sure a candidate wins? This is virtually undetectable.

What are election officials hiding?

When informed of this security breach, public and election officials bluster that it can’t happen here. None of our election machines are connected to the internet (wink, wink), Trump won in 2020, so we’re good. Right? Nothing to see here, move along, peasants.

Much is made of the Board of Elections claim that the voter rolls in SC are publicly available for inspection, even online. It’s also in our South Carolina Constitution. See Article 5, Registration Books and Lists of Electors, Section 7-5-410, Maintenance and inspection of official registration records. Of course. If all you want to do is to verify one registration, you simply need to provide the name, address, date of birth, and SSN. One at a time. And you can’t see anything except those fields before you fill them in. But you are free to investigate, peons. Knock yourselves out. Furthermore, if you want to analyze the entire voter roll database you must fork out $2500. Some states have no fee to acquire the voter roll database.

I submit to you that we haven’t had a fair election in over a generation, maybe further. The installation of these voting machines from hell simply made the steal easier. Why do you suppose the new motto of SCVotes is, ‘Every vote matters. Every vote counts.’? Presumably, they mean every Legal vote. But why not say that? And why would our GOP leaders insist that we should make it easier to vote, but harder to cheat? How soon are they going to implement the ‘harder to cheat’ part?

The unvarnished truth about voting in SC

All of these attitudes and actions, taken together, make it obvious that those currently in power (elected or not) have no intention of jeopardizing their power base. If you get a positive response from an official, promising to look into this serious problem, you won’t get any further action. That invisible stone wall is virtually impenetrable.  The SC GOP party line is, we need to “move forward.” They don’t want to acknowledge the 600 lb gorilla in the room.  We need to review and analyze what happened in 2020 to diagnose any potential issues and determine what we need to fix to ensure that no invalid votes are recorded.

There are few politicians in the entire state of South Carolina, who will commit to action on honest voting.  It seems as if they are in their own little world and they see things completely different than the rest of us. For the most part, we the people are on our own. Again.

What’s to be done to ensure voting integrity?

Perhaps a better question would be, what Can be done? The public is denied free access to the entire election database.  Why is that? Are they concerned that the dead people voting, multiple votes, the illegals, the phantom voters, and the vote switching would be found and corrected? Can’t have that, now.

The simplest, least expensive, most reliable thing to do is to shove those machines to the side and vote Amish. Paper ballots, marked by each eligible voter, with a copy for the said voter to prove his action. One day to vote. Minimize mail-in ballots. No electronics whatsoever. Count the ballots with any registered voters who care to observe. There should be an equal number of counters – Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Christian, MAGA, whatever. No exclusions. And total access.

Once the votes are counted, that’s it. No more of this ballot discovery in the closet, or someone’s van, to be added to the certified total until a Democrat or equivalent ‘wins.’

We The People have had enough of this nonsense. We deserve a full forensic audit to examine the paper ballots, machines, routers, tabulators, voter rolls, servers, etc. Given the egregious errors and fraud that have been found in other states, we want to ensure that SC doesn’t just do elections “mostly right” but that it does them professionally and legally.