Our legislators let us down

It is an important election year and over half of likely voters don’t trust electronic voting systems. Apparently, our legislators don’t have a good understanding of the pulse of their people. Despite hundreds of calls, emails, letters and citizens rallying at the state house they refused to give us a proper hearing on ANY of our election integrity bills. Furthermore, they use their own internecine war with the Freedom Caucus as an excuse for why they can’t move these bills forward. It appears that power moves from the top down not the bottom up in Columbia.

In the meantime, more and more evidence is coming out regarding the lax security as well as other potentially illegal issues with ALL election systems in America. The recently filed Supreme court case in AZ (Lake/Finchem) alleges that the Dominion system had untested, uncertified, illegal software on the systems used in the 2020 and 2022 elections. This issue apparently was found in other states as well. In addition, they kept the password for the system in plain text so that anyone who gained access could have full control of the system. Furthermore, they did not conduct logic and accuracy testing on the machines used on election day. The Supreme Court will meet next Friday to decide whether or not they will take this case. If the Supreme court doesn’t take this case we have a big issue to deal with. For perspective, the defense didn’t reply at all to the appeal filing nor the filing for an expedited hearing. Hmmm. Stay tuned.

Note that most vulnerabilities in one electronic system are not unique to that particular system. In other words, this is NOT A DOMINION problem. IT IS an ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM PROBLEM. To underscore the issue here is an eye opening video of our current ES&S system. It has not had any updates in over FIVE years according to EAC (Election Assistance Commission) documentation for engineering orders and updates. Would you do a financial transaction on your home computer if it didn’t have any antivirus updates in 5 years? I think not.

Just a reminder that this is the system we use all over South Carolina.

The passionate citizens fought hard this year and you made your voice known. Now you can vote these representatives and senators out who didn’t support election integrity. Get your friends and neighbors to turn out in the June primary on election day and convince them to vote in person on that day –NOT EARLY.* Research the voting records of the people running and ask them about their views on important topics. Turnout is notoriously low in our primaries and by surprising them with a high turnout we can usher in a new crop of legislators who actually will work for the people.

*Regarding early voting it is THE WAY THAT THEY CAN best determine how to potentially cheat. Voting early gives then the info they need for the cheat–why do that? Don’t give them that information. If you need to vote curbside or absolutely have a VERY good reason that you can’t vote in person on election day you can get an absentee ballot. Friends don’t let friends vote early.