SC primary off to a rough start as law is not followed and errors are made

In this video, a few members of our team discuss the issues with absentee ballots being viewed earlier than what our law states which is that they may begin examining the ballots no earlier than two days immediately preceding election day. Instead, the counties were directed via a calendar by the SEC to inspect these as they came in. This is apparently how this is how they have done it for years.

Absentee ballots are where a lot of fraud can potentially occur so these procedures are important to follow.

In addition, in Beaufort a gentleman who was running for a local race went to the polls to vote and his own race was not on his ballot! View his Facebook accounting of this here.

Apparently, the redistricting due to the census was not corrected so that the ballots reflected the appropriate races. This could likely affect all races where there was redistricting? Could mean there will be a lot of special elections post primary.