After meeting with members of the Charleston legislative delegation (Matt Leber, Joe Busos, Tom Hartnett, Kathy Landing and Jordan Pace) they asked us to draft our ideal legislation or gold standard bill for election. This bill H 4935 the Secure Accurate Verifiable Elections Act (SAVE ACT) was filed last week.

This bill gets rid of all electronics.  It calls for 1 day of voting (state holiday) with paper poll books and paper ballots, eliminates early voting and absentee for 65 and over to limit mail in votes. It also establishes strong chain of custody, secure ballots measures as well as videotaping of the counting process. Please contact the house judiciary committee and ask them to schedule a hearing and to vote this out of committee.


(R)  Wm. Weston J. Newton, Chairman—Beaufort County (District 120)
(R)  Wallace H. “Jay” Jordan, Jr., 1st V.C.—- Florence County (District 63)
(D)  John Richard C. King, 2nd V.C. – York County (District 49)
(R)  William H. Bailey – Horry County (District 104)
(D)  Justin T. Bamberg – Bamberg and Orangeburg (District 90)
(D)  Beth E. Bernstein – Richland County (District 78)
(R)  Thomas C. “Case” Brittain, Jr. – Horry County, Myrtle Beach (District 107)
(R)  J. Benjamin “Ben” Connell – Kershaw County (District 52)
(R)  Jason Elliott – Greenville County (District 22)
(R)  Thomas Duval “Val” Guest, Jr. – Horry County, Myrtle Beach (District 106)
(R)  Brandon Guffey – York County, Rock Hill (District 48)
(D)  Rosalyn D. Henderson-Myers- Spartanburg (District 31)
(D)  Patricia Moore “Pat” Henegan – Chesterfield, Darlington, Marlboro (Dist. 54)
(R)  Jeffrey E. “Jeff” Johnson – Horry County (District 58)
(R)  Matthew W. “Matt” Leber —-Charleston County (District 116)
(R)  John R. McCravy, III – Greenwood & Laurens (District 13)
(R)  Cody T. Mitchell – Darlington County (District 65)
(R)  Travis A. Moore – Spartanburg (District 33)
(R)  Robby Robbins – Colleton & Dorchester (District 97)
(D)  Seth Rose – Richland County (District 72)
(R)  Carla Schuessler – Horry County, Myrtle Beach (District 61)