A Rally to Remember—The people want paper

What a great day and a powerful moment.  We will never forget the feeling of passion and patriotism in the state house on January 9th. It was a great vibe and so wonderful seeing all the beautiful smiling faces of people who care about their country and their vote in the same room. Much thanks to all of the speakers. They did a great job.  The weather held off until the mid afternoon so we were able to start around 9:45 and end at 11ish.  So many of you met with your legislators afterwards —We are sure they felt the blitz.  In fact, the York group even waited by the entrance to the state house from the garage to educate the legislators as they entered the building. 😊

Despite the weather, school closures and storm warnings, patriots showed up! Over half of our counties were represented and we had over 150 people there by our guesstimate. We had 250ish confirmed prior to the weather so if the weather had cooperated it would have been closer to 300.  We want to acknowledge all of you who took the time to be there, took off work, braved the storm, made signs, listened to the speakers and then talked to your legislators. This is how we affect change.  Numbers matter and we showed how this issue is broad and deep in SC. Kudos and heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of you.

God had us there at the time for a reason and it yielded more blessings.

The results—

S406 for now is essentially killed.  You did that!!! No uploading of early voting results before the polls close.

Bills H. 4259, H4260, and H4261 are going to be heard next week in the House Judiciary committee.  You did that too!

All of you made this happen with your letters, calls, signs (which were great by the way) presence, prayer and persistence. You should be very proud of yourself. We the people can make a difference.

With Appreciation,

The SCSE Team

Here is the link for those of you who couldn’t make it.