Guest post by Laura Downing
Many people, but not enough of them to change anything, are concerned about the millions of illegal aliens coming across the southern border of America. In addition to their receiving immediate SSI benefits, debit cards, phones, housing, and medical care that Americans cannot receive, illegal aliens are registering to vote. According to The New York Post, “welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of US citizenship.” Does anyone see a problem?
Representative Chip Roy of Texas sponsored a Bill in the U.S. House known as the SAVE Act, or Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act. Contrary to the screaming by the left about voter suppression, the Bill simply requires that anyone registering to vote through the DMV, welfare offices, or other government agencies must provide documentary proof of U.S. Citizenship before receiving the voter registration form. Sounds reasonable because anyone who wants to do anything in a civilized society must provide valid identification, but cue liberal outrage. The SAVE Act passed in the House 221-198, with 5 Democrats voting Aye. Who are the 198 that voted to let illegal aliens register to vote? What are they thinking?
Senators Mike Lee and John Kennedy introduced the SAVE Act in the Senate, but the Democrat “elected representatives” defeated it. President Biden said he would veto the Bill if it was passed. Just who do the Democrats think they are REPRESENTING? Surely, they don’t believe they represent American citizens? In what clown world do NON-CITIZENS get to vote for anything?
There are groups in our country that are actively targeting illegals to register them to vote. Who are these people and how could they possibly think that is ok? Yet, here we are.
The most likely plan with illegal aliens being registered to vote is that these illegally-registered voters do not even need to cast a ballot, but their registrations can be used by bad actors to create fake ballots. Watch and see.
We have done little to nothing to secure our elections since the mess of 2020 and 2022, and this is just another step in the process of allowing election fraud risk. So, let’s just sit here and let our country be taken over from the inside because we did NOTHING to prevent NON-CITIZENS from voting in our elections. Fools, all.