How our elections are being hacked

KEY POINT: INDEPENDENT POLLING IS CRITICAL to provide external data to compare with election ‘results’. If polling results are inconsistent with election results, there should be further investigation.

  • Law Enforcement
    • Push out good officers to make room for bad officers that will not uphold the constitution.
    • Media attack on law enforcement
    • Turn citizens against police, police against citizens
    • Force retirement of law enforcement by making it miserable to be a good officer
    • Compromised and blackmailed judges/prosecutors
  • Media
    • Push the message of security and accuracy until people start believing it.
    • Discredit any entity that questions security or accuracy of election, so the people ignore the presented facts.
  • Political Parties
    • Make non-partisan positions, partisan.
      • AZ Clerk and Recorder
      • DASS – Democratic Secretaries of State
      • etc
    • Do not adhere to (or don’t know) their duties to provide Election Judges, Poll Watchers, and Audit and Canvass Board members
    • Don’t exert their authority over election operations as representatives of the electors, which is greater than that of the clerks and SOS who are “elected”
    • Don’t hold the election officials accountable for providing honest elections
    • Fail their constituents by not demanding honest elections
    • Are likely gaining power or monetary benefits by their complicity in election manipulation
    • There are no teeth (consequences) in many of the laws, therefore nothing to prohibit people breaking the laws.
  • Legislation
    • They inundate legislators with so many bills, nobody has a chance to read them.
    • They get naïve legislators to carry ‘election integrity’ bills as a good ‘compromise’
    • They disguise bills building in trojan horses
    • They create legislation, then later change the definition of the terms used in the previous legislation. Bait and switch.
    • They create a sacrificial bill to put on the ballot that gets a certain group riled up in order to increase biased voter participation.
  • County Clerks Association
    • NGO paid by counties and unaccountable to county’s electors
    • Instruct clerks they serve as “Agents of the Secretary of State”
    • Instruct clerks to trust machines and vendors
    • Convince clerks that electors are dangerous and to be feared
    • Instruct clerks to “forget” to notify (Republican) party chairmen to appoint Canvass Board members, so clerks can appoint them on behalf of party
    • Intimidate Canvass Board members who don’t certify elections
    • Work closely with Secretary of State/Election Commission to pass rules, statutes, and laws centralizing elections under government control
  • Primaries – Cheat every way possible to control the endorsed candidates
    • Bribe others to run to split the vote
    • Hire people to Bad-mouth opponents
    • Open-Primaries – These can be used to cheat! They allow the opposing party to control who is on the ticket. Open-Primaries are a trojan horse.
    • Cheat using the voting system
      • Allow ‘delegate’ votes, then control the delegates
      • Add ‘anonymous’ votes during voting process (see CA GOP)
      • Pre-make slides to show pre-determined outcomes, and show those instead of the real-time votes (citizens don’t know the difference)
  • Polling Places
  • Illegal Immigration
    • Mass immigrants and census that counts them allows justification for higher population, which creates more headroom of justifiable registered voters (or more accurately, voting records that don’t actually need to be tied to an real citizen – the record itself allows a ballot to be created, mailed, cast, and tabulated)
  • Voter Rolls
    • Motor-Voter system is a gateway for illegitimate voter registrations. They utilize weaknesses in obtaining driver’s licenses in order to create a voter registration record.
      • Voter Reg Entries are also being created for those too young to vote, but old enough to drive.
    • Mass change of party affiliation to unaffiliated in order to manipulate – Look for affiliation changes before and after primaries
    • Change of party affiliation prior to becoming poll-workers in order to pose as different party.
    • Leaving bad records in
    • Injection of bad records
    • Loose security in access controls
    • Loose access logging
    • No change-tracking
    • Duplicate entries of individuals with name changes (maiden/married names)
    • Addresses modified (street names) to send ballots to know bad addresses
  • Mail ballots – Injection of ballots with broken chain of custody
    • Declare an emergency to force the use and relax/ignore other election laws
    • Real-time tracking systems allow bad actors to track ballots to gain realtime information to abuse.
    • Postal carriers instructed to NOT deliver ballots to the address in which no residents with that name reside so that the ballot can be routed elsewhere, thus avoiding alerting of multiple ballots registered to that address.
    • Addresses copied from one locality to another, but changing the street name, generating returned ballots
    • Mail ballots create many chain-of-custody vulnerabilities, which make it easy for error and manipulation to occur.
    • They claim drop-boxes have 100% surveillance, when they do not!
  • Legislation
    • Laws are created to give people the sense of security, which turns false because they then don’t follow the laws.
    • Laws are created to restrict access by the citizens, blocking us from being able to see or verify our own election system. This is done SUBTLY, and/or hidden in other legislation. They SNEAK THESE LAWS IN!
  • Drop-Boxes – Injection of ballots with broken chain of custody, avoiding any tracking by USPS.
    • Public/Private money funding setting these up all over
    • Many boxes that require surveillance cameras don’t have them
    • Public has limited/no access to surveillance footage
  • Data Breaches
    • Beyond the original breach are usually hidden higher-order breaches as a results that can be leveraged by bad-actors.
  • Poll Books
    • Real-time tracking systems allow bad actors to track ballots to gain real-time information to abuse.
  • Election ‘Day’
    • Allowing voting before Election Day allows bad actors to gain necessary information to more accurately estimate the results to manipulate the results by injecting ballots.
    • Allowing voting after Election Day allows bad actors to make final adjustments to the results by injecting ballots.
    • All of this turns the election into a feedback control system that bad actors can use the control the results of elections with high precision.
  • Tabulation
    • Ranked-choice voting – There are many reasons this is a bad idea. One of them is that it is so complicated that it REQUIRES a computer tabulate and LOCKS us into using computerized tabulation. That ALONE is reason to boot it.
    • Use different thickness ballot paper for different areas/voters
      • Use the thickness as excuse to determine which tabulators are used (Sacramento CA does this – they claim the ‘thin’ paper gets jammed in the Hi-Pro scanners, so they scan all the ‘thin’ ballots through the smaller desktop scanners – Mark Cook was told this first-hand)
      • Paper that is too thick used in BMD (Ballot Marking Devices) and tabulators may jam, allowing another path to segregate those ballots. This may have happened in AZ
    • Print the ballot image slightly shrunk so citizens don’t notice it, but the tabulators would be unable to scan, causing them to be segregated and an excuse to ‘re-create’ them. (This happened in AZ)
    • Print the ballot image lighter than normal so citizens don’t notice it, but the tabulators would be unable to scan, causing them to be segregated and an excuse to ‘re-create’ them. (This happened in AZ)
    • Someone could easily fill in undervotes in ballots to manipulate those races.
    • Induce error into the system to obfuscate manipulation (ballot programming mistakes, printing mistakes, mis-spellings, etc. – these aren’t all accidents)
    • Change database outside of voting system software
    • Incomplete tracking
    • Incomplete logging
    • Self-deleting logs
    • Back doors
    • Ability to be connected to alternate networks (including the internet)
    • Wireless devices installed in hardware
    • No visibility to the public
    • Secret source code
    • Incomplete verifiability
    • No way to guarantee they will always operate without error/abuse
    • Block all access to ballot images and paper ballots
    • Wipe hard drives to ensure no evidence of manipulation is left
  • Reporting
    • Election officials don’t even know what really happens to their totals when they leave
    • Totals can be changed and hidden inside aggregation without the public able to detect
    • No guarantee to the public that the shown state/fed totals are actually accurate
    • No public place that all totals are transparently and additionally posted
  • Records
    • Purposely misinterpret the 22-month minimum federal retention period to restrict access to election records for 22 months. That is not the purpose of the minimum retention period. The purpose of the retention period is to make sure the data is RETAINED for the time period so that people can look at it. I believe there is a legal case in some stage regarding setting the record straight on that.
    • Source: Mark Cook: compiled from multiple states