Is SC truly committed to free and fair elections?

Guest post by Michael Delaney, a concerned Berkeley County voter

We received this letter from a concerned citizen that appears to have worked as a poll clerk or manager. (He also sent this to his representative). We agree that Chain of Custody is a huge issue and that proper procedures and training must be put into place to ensure compliance. Thorough documentation must be also put in place to be reviewed prior to certification and should be available for free to all qualified electors of SC. The issue of chain of custody is addressed in the election bills we are championing this legislative session. Thank you, Mike, for taking the time to address this very ciritcal issue and provide your perspective on how it can be handled.

South Carolina is committed to free and fair elections. At the poll on election day there are two essential elements:

  1. One-person one-vote – the South Carolina legislature has recognized the
    criticality of this concept and established law in SC to manage this issue.
  2. Election equipment and voting material security – election day chain-of-custody
    processes are administratively controlled by the State and County Election

The election day chain-of-custody for election equipment and voting materials should be no less rigorous than that which is required for evidence in criminal and civil judiciary processes. The judiciary processes are overseen by the court system. Police effectively manage evidence because chain-of-evidence failure results in acquittal. Election equipment and voting material chain-of-custody is administered by the South
Carolina Election Commission and individual county Voter Registration and Election offices. Every piece of equipment and material should be treated as if it will end up in court, because some day it may. The amount of testimonial evidence obtained the last two years indicates a significant problem with the chain-of-custody of election equipment and voting materials.

  • The Berkeley County Republican Party poll watchers reported numerous chain-of-custody violation in the 2022 general election.
  • The State audit of the Berkekely County Election reported numerous significant chain-of-custody violations.
  • The Berkeley County Republican Party poll watchers reported numerous chain-of-custody violation in the 2024 primary election.

Many chain of custody issues were also identified in the Legislative Audit Council report issued in January of 24. See this related post here:

It is apparent that administrative controls are not sufficient to maintain chain-of-custody of election equipment and voting materials casting shadow on elections in the state of South Carolina. Prior to the electronic voting process, election day chain-of-custody was simple, ballots and a box. Since South Carolina has committed to electronic voting processes, the chain-of-custody processes must be reviewed and codified. Election equipment includes the Electronic Poll Book (EPB), mobile internet hotspot
device (MiFI), Ballot Marking Device (BMD), and Ballot Scanner (DS200) machines. Voting materials are the blank ballots, emergency/provisional ballots and failsafe ballots. These items are described on page 11 and 12 of the Poll Manager’s Handbook (September 2022).

The state legislature should create black letter law to demonstrate the criticality of this issue. It must be maintained from the county eleciton storage through the shipment to the polling place, receipt inspection, initiation, vote canvassing, shut down and preparation for return shipping by poll managers,etc. Meaningful legislation would include the following elements:

Preparation for Election Day

  • Positive control of voting equipment during the transport from storage to the polling place
  • Positive control of voting equipment stored in a secure space at the polling place including a seal on the door
  • Opening the polling place by Poll Clerks and Managers
  • Two-person control with verifying signatures on the inventory sheet
  • Cutting and recording the seal on the polling place storage
  • EPS and MiFi – Cut the shipping seal and inventory
  • BMD – Cut the shipping seal, inventory and validation of the
  • internal seal
  • DS200 – Cut the shipping seal, inventory, start up, validation of the
  • internal seal
  • DS200 – Opening, validation of empty bins, and attaching bin seals
  • Counting of all ballots

Closing the polling place by Poll Clerks and Managers

  • Two-person control with verifying signatures on the inventory sheet
  • EPS and MiFi – Inventory, pack and apply the shipping seal
  • BMD – validation of the internal seal, inventory, pack and apply the shipping sea
  • DS200 – Cut the bin seals, inspect bins, reseal bins for transport
  • DS200 – Cut the Thumb Drive seal, Print vote counts
  • Account for all voting materials
  • Complete the Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet

Secure equipment post-election

  • Package for transport to the county all cast ballots, lanyard with DS200 thumb drive, two copies each of zero and totals tapes, sealed and locked in blue ballot bin. Blank ballot cards, keys, in sealed/locked ballot bag and the ballot reconciliation worksheet.
  • Return equipment to secure storage and apply seal to the door

The above scenario should be codified in South Carolina law because the county
organizations cannot manage this process in the electronic voting era.