Small steps you can take to help with the elections
SC General Election Day Nov 5th, 2024

Many of you are concerned about the integrity of our election process but feel powerless to do anything. You CAN help in many ways this election season. First and foremost, remember to vote in person on election day as late as you possibly can. Don’t vote absentee and don’t vote during the early in person 2 week period prior to election day! This will minimize the potential for fraud.

Whether you just are going to vote and want to observe what is going on around you during that time or can spend a day or more monitoring the polls, here are some suggested steps that our team is recommending. Please read and consider doing at least one of these important actions:


Strategies For Voter Integrity

3 Ways To Get involved and be a part of the election process:


We need all hands on deck to protect our votes in the upcoming Primary and General Elections.

Poll Watcher: A volunteer position that requires minimal training. They are assigned to a polling place by a candidate or a political party in the Primary Election and by the political party in the General Election. A poll watcher observes and documents the election process and make sure that everything is done according to SC laws and procedures.

How to become a poll watcher:

1) Contact your local party for their poll watcher training schedule and sign-up with them for training.

2) Also contact Tammy (see her info below) to get on our master poll watcher list so that we can send you additional training information and possibly assign you to polling locations for the primary election to represent a campaign.

You will also need to contact your local party to get basic training.


Mystery Voters: are voters that sign-up with us to pay attention to the voters in front of them while they are going through the voting process at the poll. They will have a list of questions that they will fill out and return to us. They will be watching to see if they are checking voter identification; if voters in front of them have to fill out provisional or emergency ballots; if the voters in front of them had any trouble with the voting machines. This is a simple action item that takes very little time and we encourage EVERYONE to participate in it.

Please contact Tammy to sign-up to be a Mystery Voter at your polling location.

3) ELECTION EYES REPORTING–if you see something say something

Election Eyes Reporting Voters: are voters who are alert to their surroundings when they go to vote. They keep their eyes and ears open for any unusual issues that may be going on around them. These issues can then be reported to “ELECTION EYES” by:

  1. Calling 6072-V-WATCH (enter code SC) or
  2. Go to to fill out a form                                                                                                        You must still maintain the privacy of the voters around you and not be intrusive or interruptive to the voting process in any way.
  3. Launch a formal complaint with our election commission here

Please spread this info far and wide so we can maximize our eyes on the election process this important primary season and beyond.


Tammy P.