The Gold Standard Election team discusses how to increase trust in elections

As we approach the 2024 election, many of you will wonder what we can do to improve the process.  The people need trustworthy elections.  For this election, we need to overwhelm the polls so our voices are heard and votes accurately counted.  Ultimately, our country must return to the basics—voting (and counting the ballots) on one day at the local precinct utilizing pen, paper, and people.

Each voter should vote by marking paper ballots hand-counted by volunteers at the precinct with bipartisan participation.  The count should be completely transparent, as our South Carolina state constitution calls for the votes to be “counted in public.”

The Gold Standard team was assembled with people from multiple states (South Carolina, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas, and South Dakota) to re-engineer the process.  The result of all their hard work is the Gold Standard Elections Whitepaper.  The team occasionally will meet to discuss various election topics.  Here are some recent videos you may find interesting.

Lack of Trust is the fundamental issue, and ensuring transparent voting is the solution

Too many third-party organizations are involved in our election process, which adds to public mistrust of election results.  “The people” have lost control over the process.  Transparency of the process is vital.  When technology replaces oversight of the people, it becomes a problem. 

 Hava from Ohio explains.  

Machines don’t always catch errors and are not as good as humans at determining voter intent.  Rick explains.  Was your vote counted correctly?  How would you know?

The technology is highly complex.  Why is it so difficult to count circles on a paper?  Why do we need a few million lines of code to count your vote?  There are many layers in the process.  Do our election officials and workers even understand these systems?

There are some reports and methods to enhance transparency, but many election officials refuse to use them.  Why don’t they value transparency?

The best way to count votes is a hand-tally method:

For more on this method, see this video:

The Gold Standard tally method is a great way to count ballots in an emergency and an efficient way to conduct hand-count audits.