Transparency of our vote requires hand counting the ballots by the people

Did you know that there is a lack of trust in our election systems and lack of transparency of the black box tabulators?

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee supports the rights of counties and states that are willing and able to competently and efficiently implement voting procedures that do not require the use of machines and those that implement hand counting procedures that are fully auditable;

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee calls on state legislatures, county, and municipal

governments to pass laws and municipal codes and rules that allow for full transparent hand-counting

procedures that are planned, timely and fully observable by the public and the registered parties for

geographically defined audits and recounts;

Problem: Due to the lack of trust in our election systems and lack of transparency of the black box tabulators there is a clamoring for hand-counted, hand-marked ballots.

Solution: Move to a simpler, transparent hand-counted, hand-marked ballot system.

Bill 4260 Section 8 addresses this by instituting a pilot program but should go further by allowing hand-marked, hand-counted ballots as an option for the voter, and full observation by the public.

Laws need to be passed to allow for hand counting at the local precinct in a transparent way.

Here are some methods for hand-counting ballots

in addition, here is a video of a demonstration of how to hand count hand-marked ballots.

Notes from our hand count workshop

Note that if we can call each race and reconcile in 2 minutes for 50 ballots. A hundred ballots would be 4 minutes and 1000 ballots (assuming maximum approximate turnout of 70% would result in would be 40 minutes. Assuming 10 races an election this would be a total time of around 400 minutes. This would take 6.67 hours but we rounded it up to 7 and 1/2 for breaks, etc. If you split that between 2 teams of 4 people that would be 3.75 hours to hand count a race. Worse case scenario would be 4 hours tops. All of it would be completed and you would just need to total the batches and send to the county.

We recommend that these counts be videotaped so that there is full transparency and verifiability and that all ballots are reconciled at the end.