Why is counting of votes taking so long?

SC Pathway to Safe Elections

Maricopa County elections officials and observers watch as ballots are tallied at the Maricopa County Recorders

Computers should improve accuracy and speed—why is counting taking so long?

Americans expect accurate and swift determinations as it pertains to elections and the

administration of elections;

In 2020 and in 2022 we saw some counties extending the counting period for days if not weeks. This defies logic. In many other countries if the counting stops the election becomes null and void.  Delaying the results only creates the potential for fraud.  Many countries in Europe, like France, have gone to one day of voting with paper ballots counted the same day with only minimal absentee balloting due to worries about fraud. Also the Netherlands ditched machines in 2017 over concerns over cyber hacking.

Note that in 1997 in a Supreme court decision, Foster vs. Love, elections undecided by midnight are void. We can do better. Few absentee ballots, one day of voting, hand count at the precinct level hand-marked paper ballots. If France and the Netherlands can do it, so can we.