End of year update: Taking back our freedom

We are experiencing a profound pattern of a loss of our freedoms as we don’t feel we have control over so many aspects of our lives.

Do you feel that the public school system is truly teaching and treating your kids and grandkids well?

Instead of teaching the “3 R’s” they are being bombarded with CRT (Critical Race Theory) propaganda and gender confusion. Do you feel that these kids in the public school or safe?

Do you trust that the information that the media is disseminating on a daily basis is honest and accurate?

The Twitter expose’ that Elon Musk has unmasked is shining light on the collusion among twitter execs, government agencies, the DNC and other key figures to suppress key and damaging information.  The truth was suppressed and our reality was hacked.

Finally, do you trust that your vote is being counted correctly?

Our team here at SC Safe Elections has uncovered information which consistently shows that our election management system, voter rolls, and other processes are a mess. Many voters are telling us they either don’t want to vote or they don’t trust that their vote is being counted accurately.

On a positive note, the flood gates are opening to reveal truth. The Twitter expose underscores how key evidence was suppressed that was extremely damaging to one political party. This was also occurring across social media platforms as well as mainstream (Mockingbird) media.  So many untruths were parroted to sway our opinion—Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”; our election in 2020 was the “most secure ever.” People are suddenly dying due to “climate change.”  We need to lockdown for 2 weeks to “flatten the curve.” “The vaccine is safe and effective.” I could go on and on.

What was considered a conspiracy theory 2 years ago is now a fact—this is opening a lot of eyes to the controlling nature of our Big Brother government.

A sudden shifting of the narrative is now occurring.  Balenciaga and other fashion brands are being shown to utilize their ad campaigns and runway shows to propagate the sick, twisted sexualization of children along with creepy satanic messages and symbols. Seriously, why does a naked Kylie Jenner need to be slathered in blood to sell Coty makeup?  Why are runway models holding baby dolls soaked with blood in a Balenciaga fashion show? Who is drawn to buy these products with that messaging? Seriously people, wake up.

Here is Lotta Volkova a top designer for Balenciaga and Adidas

Our Vote is Our voice

On the election front, both the state of Arizona and the country of Brazil are illustrating that elections are broken and the “winners” don’t appear to be the people’s choice. And the people won’t stand for it.  These machines are selecting, not electing our leaders.

So, what happens next?

As more people become disgusted and disillusioned, they will demand action. The reengineering and realignment of these systems —media, schools, healthcare, finance, and our government–need to and will ultimately occur.

I have faith that we are getting to the bottom of the corruption and irregularities in AZ; and, if we still have a justice system that is fair in any way, we will see some action here.  The evidence is overwhelming. Ultimately, we may have to take it to the court of the public opinion.

The Brunson brothers’ case on the supreme court docket could prove to be a breakthrough. This case although it has a low probability of success is a very elegant, simple, and constitutionally-driven solution to a complex, controversial and emergent problem. Hopefully, the justices will have the courage to see it that way.  

Furthermore, we have our own case here in SC that will enhance transparency by allowing public access to Cast Vote Records. 

How can you take your freedom back?

Support the above initiatives by writing a letter to supreme court to tell them to consider hearing the Brunson case and also by contributing to the givesendgo fund for our state’s CVR legal battle.

Continue to spread the word regarding these overall issues of our freedoms being usurped by having constructive conversations with family and friends. Use curious questions to get them thinking rather than telling them your viewpoint. People readily embrace ideology when they are able to come to the conclusion themselves. Help guide people to understanding when new revelations are disclosed. Many people are just waking up to this reality so patience is sometimes warranted.

Stay positive and prayerful—truth has a way of ultimately revealing itself and “we the people” represent a critical mass who want relief from being captured by an enemy that doesn’t have the best interest at heart. Like a frog in boiling water, we have been in hot water for a long time and are close to the boiling point.  Will we have the courage to jump out of the hot water or continue to remain in the situation until it is too late?  This is up to every one of you.

Stay centered. Stay frosty. Stay prayerful.